Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Last Blog Post in year 2010!!!

Hmmmm....This might be my last blog post in year 2010....
My last post until now was about 1 and half months...If asked me am I busy, nope, Im not that busy...
But if asked me am I free, Oh my god, you're fooling me, Im always don't have time....such a blur answer right? well, im busy with meet up my friend - CP, prepared my last paper, chiropractic functions, of course time for my boyfriend too.... :)

Thinking past for this year, I did my internship, done my last paper, been together with my boyfriend and family, meet friends up and knowing new friends, and FINISH my college life... 
*feel a big Phew~
These were so fast, time flies fast as we are not consciously... I did not earn any extra money these year, but only my pocket money...keep on get money from mummy and sister....

I was spent most of time with my family in this year...well, what you guys expect? when you are trying to ran away from house to avoid your family nagging to you, do you know what are they feeling? and do u know what are you going to face? 
when you are disobedient to them, they are very heart-pained and disappointed....BUT, they are still support you, no matter where you are, what you have chose, they are still beside you...and you are trying to spend time with you friends, happy with them, clubbing, shopping, drinks and eat.... Outside, you may get a lot of friends, the sincere ones, the obey ones, but these SINCERE will reach which point, May be you may have 2-3 best friends which is they will help u when u are in trouble....
I meet this case, I really thankful-ed to them, when my family are in troubled, they really helped us, a lot a lot....It is more than the things that family will do...Thanks Uncles!!!
You never know who are the truthfully sincere to you until the problems come...They might keep far away from you, might stay beside of you too...BUT, Family is the only one who will support you no matter you are happy or sad, in trouble, in celebration....
So, don't think to keep on finding friends only, love your family's nag, and after nag, just think back what they said, try to fulfill what they wish you to do as you can....spend more time with them....

erm....I have been together with my boyfriend about 8 months...It is a destiny... We are knowing each other since i am 5 years old and he is 4 years old, even longer than that, but this is from our memory.... Turn around to this circle, we have been together...It is God made....Thanks Abba Father that you've arranged to us....Love u so much...

In year 2011, I had made a wish which is earn more money as I can, I would like to share money that I earned to my beloved family and my Mr.Right!!!!$$$, Here I Come!!!

Wish all of you have a good health and a good wealth...Don't forget, share anythings with your family....times, money, and you!!! :)
Good luck and God Bless you!!!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Gimme some suggestion Please!

I am confusing with my future right now...
I did not know what is my future plans?
I am standing on the gap now...
Trying to make some decision..
It is a big decision while it is also may affected my future...
Can someone tell me what to do?
I am currently in my last semester which is my last subject also...
I am choosing course for my further study now...
I have 3 options to let me choose...
It's kinda hard to choose....
Give me some suggestion Please!!!

Option 1:
a. Bachelor in Hospitality and Tourism studies
b. at SEGi University, Kota Damansara, KL.
c. RM 37,000++
d. Full Time Study (Not sure have part time study or not)
e. start from Year 2 to Year 3 (2 years) 

Option 2:
a. Bachelor in Business Administration
b. at SEGi College Sarawak, Kuching.
c. RM 22,000++
d. Full / Part time Study
e. start from Year 2 to Year 3 (2 years) 

Option 3:
a. Find a job first.
b. Save money for my course fee. (So that, no need to pay installment in my future.)
c. KL/ Kuching ???

Which option that should I go first?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010







Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Moody week

Stupid shitttt things happened....
*Bad mood*

No more bad things come to us anymore please...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


上班的上班, 等上课的等上课。




Saturday, October 30, 2010


星期三的早上九点多,在tabuan jaya petronas 旁发生了一宗意外,Samuel & Samantha 的外公,翁老伯骑脚车回家途中和5 tan 罗里发生碰撞, 连人带车地被抛落马路,头部受伤流血。她被送往医院急救,几个小时后因出血不止而蒙主寵召.....









Tuesday, October 26, 2010






Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Miss him....

Missing him a lot..
one month once to meet him...
He went back there about 3 days already...
hope can grab more chance to meet him...
plans for going there...
travel or work?

all of these are unknown...

Dine said for a couple,
If have been together over 3 months,
that's mean they have been over transition periods...
meaning to says it was stable...
I can't deny...
know what!
we have been together about 5 months 7 days...
we're never quarrel,
we try to understand each others,
to avoid conflict...
Hope to be together happily forever and ever....

 Enhanced by Smiley Central
Baby, love you much much....

Monday, October 18, 2010


♥  24岁时
→  我们在一起,我们牵手去见彼此的家人,获取他们的认同

♥  26岁时
→  我们还在一起,我会挽起留了很久的长发,做你最美的新娘

♥  28岁时
→  我们还在一起,我们一起期待着迎接那个加入我们小家庭的新生命的降临

♥  29岁时
→  我们还在一起,我们一起用心经营我们的家,每天听着宝宝稚嫩的声音叫我们"爸爸"、"妈妈

♥  33岁时
→  我们还在一起,不管周围的人如何分分和和,我们一起携手坚定的走过那3年之痛、7年之痒,继续着我们的幸福

♥  40岁时
→  我们还在一起,就算最初的激情已被现实的生活打磨殆尽,一切归于平淡,但彼此的目光仍然会追逐着对方的身影,相视一笑也会觉得安心

♥  50岁时
→  我们还在一起,孩子离开我们去追寻他的幸福,虽然想念宝宝,依然还有你陪在我的身边,每天傍晚手牵手一起散步

♥  60岁时
→  我们还在一起,我们都已该休息,有了大把的时间一起去做彼此曾经想做而没做的事,去想去而没去过的地方

♥  70岁时
→  我们还在一起,身边的孩子们都已经称呼我们"爷爷"、"奶奶",你还是当我是个不会照顾自己的孩子,呵护着你眼中的"孩子

♥  76岁时
→  我们还在一起,我们要通知所有认识的人,邀请所有的人来参加我们的金婚纪念日,分享我们的幸福快乐

♥  80岁时
→  我们还在一起,我们会每天躺在摇椅上一起晒太阳,虽然不知道生命会持续到哪一天,因为身边有彼此的陪伴,不再恐惧死亡,享受生命中的每一天

♥  走到生命的最后一天时
→  我希望身边有你陪伴,我不要做那个留下来的人,请允许我自私的先离开这个世界,又或者你坚持不了了,我愿意陪你一同远去...

因 为,没有你的世界是冰冷的,所以,亲爱的,如果到了那一天,请让我先走,或带上我一起,
因为,曾经属于两个人共享的幸福我一个人收纳不 了......

Wednesday, September 22, 2010





Wednesday, September 8, 2010

When I Boring....

These are my edits pictures when I boring....
Some are headers/banners,
Some are Photos....
Love it so much....

My layout of Facebook

Free?!or Busy?!

Yea~ I'm stay at home everyday and keep sleeping and watching drama series...
I have only class on Monday....
Everyday really free like useless person...
But my assignment still not complete yet...
What is the motivation that I have?
I need someone to support me....
Oh~Come and motivate me to do it...
Public Holiday coming soon...
It is a HOLIDAY!!!
I'm sure that I will not to do assignment...
Help me please...
Come and help me....
I need your assistance....

Monday, September 6, 2010

Is A Joke?!

Me    : Mommy, When are you going to start to join FB?
Mum : Soon~ *With a lowly smile...*
Me    : OMG, Im not going to approve mommy.... *tells to Dine*
Mum : You'd thought I don't know what you girls doing at huh?
           Even your blog I also read....

Whack!!Blonggggggggg........*A bolt from the blue....*

Well, Never mind...
Me and Dine does not do anything that humiliating my family and generation....


*looking forward to mommy FB*

Saturday, September 4, 2010


1. 抱起来很温暖,罗唆起来很烦,在身边讨厌,看不见又很怀念的人。

2. 吃剩下一半的面不要浪费,他会接过去帮你吃乾净的人。

3. 大冰脚贴在他大腿弄暖,他即使很冷,也不会把你脚踢开的人。

4. 一起去大卖场买东西,总是比你多提两大袋,还要空出手牵你的人。


6. 你生大病,他却比你还要辛苦的人。


8. 吵完架做错事,还会厚脸皮跑来牵你手的人。

9. 过了n周年的恋爱纪念日後,就会忘记情人节、圣诞节存在的人。






















31.真正爱你的男生,如果他去机场接你,不会像你期望的那样捧着玫瑰大声叫“亲爱的”,只是自然地提过你的行李,然后想用眼睛抱紧你似的心疼地说,怎么 瘦得像豆芽菜了? 


33.真正爱你的男生,不懂当你生气挂掉电话后应该立即打来,过了若干小时后会发条短信问你消气了没有?如果你质问他为何这么久才打来,他会理直气壮的 说,你生气时我的解释一定没有用,等你的火消了,我的解释才有效果。  



36.真正爱你的男生,当和你发生争执时,总是控制不了地先妥协,先承认“我错了”,过后发来短信以“神经病”开头,以“宝贝”结尾。事实上你也清楚,这 次是你有点无理取闹。







































但 是,并不是只要友谊不要竞争。





Friday, September 3, 2010

When I do mistakes....

I will always remind myself not to repeat what I done wrongly...
Sometimes hurt ourselves is better than hurting other people...
To the WORLD,
I wish to say SORRY that's my fault....
I ADMIT my fault....
As my friend, they all know I speak directly...
So, SORRY(x1000000) to you....
After I admit my fault, I would not blame others and says that it was others' fault...

Satisfied what I done?
I will not angry what my friend done on me...
And I will not going to shooting anyone beside me anymore....
*Is sooooo sarcastic....*

When there is no best friend but tried to find friends in improper way is not a way to increase the "personal sales"...  
I will shout out my faults but wouldn't cover its.....

Faithfully and Sincerely,

Thursday, September 2, 2010

She's leaving....

I know her about 2++ years...
She is a girl who are gentle, soft, quiet....
You can't even imagine how strong is she......
Her comfort can make me feel warm...
When I need a shoulder to cry, she lent me and cheer me up...
Her words can melt your heart...
When I feel down, she talks to me with a positive way..
Her past can make you cry....

She is my dear---->BRENDA WEI WEI

Tomorrow she's leaving to further her career...
We get closer and closer...
We have our internship together at Riverside Majestic Hotel...
We have our lunch, dinner even resting hours...
I would hate to separate with you....
Every moment that we together, I appreciate.....

In the future, I want to see you have a greater life and no more others bully you...
You must be strong..
Even we are far from each other,
but I still can listen what your happiness and sadness...
Feel free to chat with me and darling, ok....

Friendship forever...
Dear, Darling and I will miss you always....
Love you....

Yvonne and Rhodia

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My BABY!!!!

 I have Just came back from Airport and Sent baby to airport...
Baby go back to KL and start to work again...
*Feel don't want to leave you from my side.... *

My baby came back last thursday...
We have our sweet memories within this week with his family...

This few days, I feel happy with babe... 
Watching movie, drama and entertainment programs...
Went out with babe's friends, 
Went to baby's grandma house...
Joking around with babe and family...
and a lot a lot...

I know you're have something in your mind which don't wish to tell to me...
It is hardly to express to me because you don't want to make me sad...
But, What I can tell you is,
Babe love you so so so so much...
Don't think negative and don't give up with babe...
Although I don't know how to express my heart or what I thinking of...
Babe won't change in my heart and my mind....
I want to shout to the world,
You, Jeremy,
are my baby forever....
LaoPo love you forever....
You are mine....
I'll waiting for you in whole of my life...

ᶤ ᶫᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Updates - 24th August 2010

0103hrs, 24th August 2010.

In the silent and peaceful night, I'd decided to update my blog since it was so long didn't update...
On the 22nd of August, me and dailing are finished our internship from Riverside Majestic Hotel (RMH)...
Feel don't like to leave this organization...
the working environment, friends and any part of the hotel make us feel don't want to let go....T.T
For me, this internship was my most memorable part of my life...
From the beginning till the last, we get involved into every part of them...
we learned from them, fooling and joking around, working as a team together...
F&B, CMT, HSKP, FO....and also RMH + GMH roadshow = Try us, you'll will love it!
If there any chances, I will join you guys....gonna miss u guys a lot....muackx... 

In the past one month, a lot of things happened...
As my friend, you guys already knew what happenings...
I really don't understand why they sets their team as a "TEAMWORKS" but didn't present it....
What is Teamworks?
It is cooperative work done by a team (especially when it is effective); "it will take money, good planning and, above all, teamwork"
If you really don't get ready yet, please don't promise anyone...
Regret after promise and break the rules....
Tell you, You will not get into success pathway....
People give and take but you only take...
What for if people are helping you in all way?

Start my class again, I've taken one subject and it is my last subject which is most complicated - Financial Management...Lectured by Miss Jane...Hopefully I can make it....

Today I get my hair to have a refreshment which is straightening...

*hmmm....don't know what to update ad...*

My Babe is coming back for 1 week, might be one week off for my blog instead to grab the precious time with babe, going out with him, rush for my assignment and practice for my competition....

see you guys....muacks....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

6th of August 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Precious one

He's coming back by this week...
I'm going to have a sweet and nice day with him...
Although it was short, but I feel happy.....
Happy.... ღ


After my internship post, there's no any update news for my continuous internship life written down....So I planned to record down in my blog to recall my memories back when im getting older and older in the future....

After my F&B department, I'd went to Central Meetings Team(CMT) which is banquet sales for one week and Housekeeping department for 3 weeks. Felt boring in CMT because they are too busy and no time to teach me....
*Whatever...Im not going to that department if I plan to work over here...*

I love Housekeeping(HSKP) much much better....Well, everyone was curious why am I love HSKP so much.....I don't know why, but I just like it...I love the staff, love the job...
*but only for internship...hahaha....*
The Staffs have been taught me a lot...
Room maid that I followed: Silon, Jinti, Justina
Public Area: Taib
Supervisor of Room: Chemerin and Catherime (No incorrect spelling, that's her name)
Supervisor of Public Area: Denan
Pool Attendant: Esrug
Laundry: Jepin, Ana, and some more which I don't remember the name....
Lastly, Linen Attendants: Santih
Im very happy because I have been assigned to go to poolside...Esrug taught me how to clean the swimming pool as use the specific vacuum for underwater...

In between period of HSKP, I have been assigned to Human Resource Department which located at Grand Margherita Hotel to do some documentation that very confidential...Im glad because of my manager - Ms Jocelyn give me this chance.... Thanx Miss....

Currently, This is my last department - Front Office Department (FO) which is about 4 weeks.
This is 1st week and I'm training for the operator side...It was very interesting, but I felt nervous everytime I answer the phone....Hopefully, this few weeks I can learn more as much as I can....

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Day He Surprising me.....

Friday night, my cellphone was rang and i picked it up....
HE called me and ask me to meet his friend to get something which was managed from him...
Honestly, I was depressive because of whole day busy with room service stuff and yet I never received his message or calls....
*I've been told will get call from him after I finished work*
Ignorantly, I just fall asleep after working...

I found something weird which was his word were not accordingly to the truth that he told me in the early morning....
I insisted to come out and also feel tired already...
He just asked me: "Don't you feel different by today?"
Once he said so, I knew what's happen...
I answered:" You're in Kch already....."

Babe, honestly it was so surprising me actually....
I don't even think that you're going to do this....
and actually, I'm not angry and I really appreciate it...
sincerely to tell you, Thank you for what you have done...
Sorry for always shout at you....

We went out this few days...
Dine, MK, Gerald, Fan, and Nano also joined us...
Of course we have our own time also....
I'm sooooooo appreciate the day we have been together because it is short and I tried to let this memorable time to be more happier and happiness...

Baby, You're meant to me a lot......
Love you, My Precious Jeremy ....❤

Friday, June 25, 2010

New Layout of my facebook profile....

Love it so much....a bit similar as my blog layout....


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Internship life begans....

1st day- 3rd Day (7th-9th June)
me, Rhodia and Brenda went to report to RMH(Riverside Majestic Hotel)  in the early morning.
We had assigned into different department which are Front Office(Rhodia), F&B(me), and Housekeeping (Brenda).One more department that we are going to have extra is CMT (Central Meeting Team). We gonna sort into these department for 20 days for each department averagely.

After briefing, we were sent to our own department...
I'd assigned to Cafe Majestic(coffee house). Since RMH are under renovation, the F&B outlet are combined with Cafe Majestic, River Palace Restaurant, and Coca Restaurant. It is quite busy cause it were combined. I'd work at this combined restaurant in 6 days, and i learned the breakfast buffet everyday. Others is based on the function. Such as Lunch buffet, steamboat buffet, japanese buffet, and so on.

I got my schedule which assigned me to go to different outlet, they are the club lounge, Banquet operations and Room service.

I meet F&B manager - Encik Muhd Senget 
my supervisors - Chan, Lof, Aziz and Christina.
My captain- Cecilia
My seniors - Chrisma, Farus, Halimah, Jorsca, Milia, Haslina, Jamil, and so on..*cant remember their name*

They really taught me a lot with their passion and patient. They work as a team, is just like we never need to keep on reminding, but the things and task have done efficiency in short period of time. We are just like brothers and sisters. I love this workplace. even though I am tired, but I still love to serve in this outlet.

Kak Milia and Faruz shared me the documents and forms to let me attach into my port folio. Faruz and Cecilia brought me to other outlets to have a look. Kak Chrisma teach me how to take order for western style ala carte. Supervisors keep on take care of me and concern me. Seniors help me and teach me the techniques to serve guest, do clearing of buffet, napkin folding and different table setting. I really learned a lot. 

*Just to be here for the next, hope i can learn more in this 3 months.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

❤602 GaWai OuTinG❤

I woke up by 9am and follow my family to have our breakfast at 小霸王...
We dropped off Dine at Spring because she still needs to work...
We had ordered田鸡粥...
yucks! I don't like to eat, so i just ate the porridge.....

Our 1st house to visit was Auntie Erine's house....Next was Uncle Peter's house...Then was Uncle Mat's house....Really tired for whole day outing but it is a enjoyable day...

After Uncle Peter's House, we went to pick MK up then start our journey which is Simunjan...
We stopped at Serian have our lunch then continue to Uncle's Mat house again....
Dad and Mom with Uncles and Aunties drink with them, 
then youngster went outside and keep on chatting and take photos...

About 6pm, we off to Kuching....
There was heavy rain on and off on the way we down to city...
we  have our western-style dinner at Muara Tuang....
It was a semi-detached house....the food were served delicious....

Youngster went back to kuching to pick DineDine from work while adults stays to continue their topic and drink...
We went back our house and have a freshly bath since we were sweating for whole day...
After bath, we went back the same place to pick adults....

Really tired but we've our experiences and nice food to eat...


*No photo since the line was so lagged...
will update this post soon with the photo....*

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2010 世界杯足球赛 中文主题曲

2010 世界杯足球赛 中文主题曲
张学友:痛快自在 热血澎湃  别问由来 星可以摘
k'naan:see the champions  take the fleld now unify us make us feel proud
张学友:头昂起来 畅爽开怀 天涯不过 你我胸怀
k'naan:celebration it surrounds us every nation all around us
张靓颖:青春是一首歌 迎着光让我们一起唱
看世界就在我们脚下 把梦踢到天际无限大

so wave your flag
now wave your flag
张学友&张靓颖:汗让梦茁壮 你让我长成
你是兄弟 来自四海 心连起来 为你喝彩

k'naan:staying forever young
singing songs underneath the sun
张学友&张靓颖:旗开得胜 我们一起唱
世界沸腾 我们一起唱
the end~

Sunday, May 30, 2010

♥530♥ Dine Birthday

We have pre-celebrate DineDine birthday on 29th of May which actual date is on 30th of May...
We went to Boulevard to buy a lot of stuff.... 
In the early morning, mummy and daddy being busy in the kitchen...
DineDine pick me and we went to go buy things...
We bought a Tee and 3 pairs of sanders....

We start our dinner at 7.30pm...
some of Them were late....

*Just wonder those people like to let others to wait for them for a long period of time....
Crazy....they're invited but still dare to come late...these kind of people really sucks....better eat at their home themselves....come for what....still want to starring at host....Deserve it when others talking about them...*

In between the dinner, guests were stopped down to have birthday cake part...
They had sang birthday song in two version which are english and mandarin...

About 8.30pm, 5 of us went away....

We went to Red Colliseum have sing k session...
And also Camwhore...haha..

We back home by 3am....

Thursday, May 20, 2010



we will have our never end 520 day in our future..
let us strive for our future....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I'm waiting call for my internship...
but since my resumes and cover letters have been sent by Carleen,
they never reply us, and keep on pushing off...
just realized they are really busy or do not want us to have our internship there...
forget bout it...

I'm happy now...
Carleen asked us to change the other workplace, so Rhodia and I decided to change it....
Just an hour time, I've received message from Carleen, 
she told me, The HR side asked me to go for my interview session by this Friday....
I'd prepared....but felt nervous...doesn't know how I react in my interview session.....owh......
hope i can done it successfully and get into this company.....

Sunday, May 16, 2010

ღYou are my Angelღ

Once upon a time,
An angel in the sky,
Made a cover every night,

Once upon a time,
The angel loved me so,
It's a miracle in the snow, 
my heart won't be cold

My dear,you are my angel,
Tell me what you know,
Something should be told

My dear,you are my angel,
Tell me where you go,
I will brace behind your throne

Once upon a time, an angel gave me life

Saturday, May 15, 2010

♥nothing's gonna change my love for you ♥


If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong 

Our dreams are young
And we both know they'll take us
Where we want to go
Hold me now
Touch me now
I don't want to live without you 

Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love 

Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you 

If the road ahead is not so easy,
Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me

You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too

Friday, May 14, 2010

13th of May 2010

13th of May 2010



Thursday, May 13, 2010

Song Dedicated to My one and only love.....



我只是 要你明白明白我对你的爱

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

sad holiday?Happy holiday? or enjoyed Holiday?

I doesn't know that is (should be) my sad holiday or happy holiday for this week?

I'd done what I should done...but then why I doesn't receive what I want?
A little bit concern?where are "you"?

Im just need your half and hour time....but.....I just hope i can BUY your time....since your time so worth able......

I tried to be patient and passion to you....but what you react to me is only COLDNESS!!!
Shiiiiitttttttttttttt!!!!Don't want to listen any explain anymore.....

Am I done wrongly?Is a SUCKS when you do this at me!!! I have no more hope on you.....
Behave yourself....I will done it since I said it.....

Monday, May 10, 2010

3 Days event - SARBEX Total Living 2010

Just finished my job at BCCK...
Is the 1st housing event in Sarawak which organized by SHEDA (Sarawak Housing and Real Estate Developers Association)...
It is a combination event with KL part..is about 200 companies doing introduction of their properties and so forth...
I've represent my company, The Kids Creativity Center to attend the Grand Opening Ceremony....
A lots of visitors went to visit, and my booth were also filled by many customers....
it was my great experience ....

I'd received call from Carleen few days ago,she asked me to attend SEGi preview day... it is a preview sessions for new comers....I'm one of the representative to have a experiences sharing....*hope i can do well...*

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finish exam...

I'd finish my studies for this semester....can't wait for my result...I think I'm done it sucks-ly...*sigh*
Hope can get distinction for each of my subject....

Somethings happen on me, and I have no idea how to settle it....is that I'm selfish? I don't know...I'm just trying to understand everything...but it's looks like hardly to have communicate with somebody....hope somebody can think clearly.....*xienx....*

Hoping for next week.....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

♥Exam Week♥

I didn't blog my own real story for a long period already. 
Too many things happen in this short period... 
Just fought with 3 papers which are Hotel & Resort Operations, Banquet Management and Principle Management. 
Still have one more paper which is Event & Convention management...
Hope i can do it well....
Wish to graduate my Diploma by this year end...*thumbs up*

In this 2 weeks, I'd sit for my exam, hanged out with somebody, went to PC fair, Karaoke section, meet my friends, and think about things that happened on me and my friends....
I've enrolled for my next semester which is my INTERNSHIP and BM....
Oh my gosh, I'm going to internship, soon....the things i'm worried was just I'm going to suffer because I don't have time meet out with friends and Shopping....
My friends told me that it is so interesting....*yupe, i know...I'm prepared...lolx*
It is my first time to take my subject as DL which is BM....*what's wrong with me?* 

Today, I've sit for my MTP paper, I'm going to disappointed my beloved one, I'm really try my best, but it was so hard for me...I'm just answered the part A nicely, but then my Part B questions was so.......*can't imagine...*
I'd prepared to repeat this subject I think....*sigh*

Recently, hanged out with....*erm, let me refresh....*
Went to PC fair with Dine on Friday, think back, every Friday, both of us have to dine outside, so tired to think where to eat...daddy and mummy go to care group,Gerald go for his night class...

Went to Spring wait for Gerald pick me up from polishing car, but wait for so long time....
Went to Embassy K-box with Samuel, He was testing the sound system as he needed to report to his superior....He asked me to sing to test the sound system, it was really a great PA system....I liked it so so so much...

Gerald pick me around 7pm, we went to PC Fair with MK and XiaoFan...
Meet up with 51 & Hui at Petanak after PC fair...
Went to Volca (known as D Prince).....K section and alcohol section...*relaxing*

Went to Church, Little Jasmine was so happy because of I'm go to church...I'd take photos with her and show to her Kai Yeh, Ah Ming....He was so envy me because he is now at KL, cannot meet his Kai Loi, Little Jasmine......

Off-mode for 1 week again for Continue study for my Event paper, and working at BCCK for 3 Days.