Saturday, November 24, 2012

Busiest month for student life

As a degree part-time student, it is quite tough for me on time management. There would be okay if the assignment were released earlier which expected. But this semester, students had encountered chasing time-to-time. The classes were even squeezed shorter from 3+ months to 2+ months.Time packed. Late released of assignment, earlier assignment due date and 3 complicated assignment. Finally, BE class came to the end and FM class next week will be the last week. There are left MM class but the individual assignment don't even start yet need to do and amend another 2 assignment. Luckily for the group assignment, group member were co-operated but of course there will be have one who are not co-operated. My BE assignment come to last part which is some amendment and FM assignment left some analyzing and also a bit of amendment. Yup.. What should I say? Of course Thanks God!! God always with me what! I'm blessed, my family's blessed, my friends' blessed... all is utilitarian to Lord!! Is Thee support me always, is Thee comfort me when I am down, is Thee help me whenever I need Thee make my bad encounter to good memorable story.. I love my Abba Father!! Amen!!!

In this coming December, I could finished my assignment and submit it on time. December, is a playful month for me. J is coming back for half month, assignment completely finish and submitted, Anthony coming back, X'mas day is coming, house-warming and parties are coming as well. See, is this my playful month? I prefer these as my bonus of life..^^     

Going to 2 wedding dinner on next week which is Jazz and Mandy's reception. Congrats to them, wish them stay happiness, healthy and wealthy...

I'm going to update my blog soon. Looking forward into it...

Love Leopardize Yvonne <3 br="br">

Tuesday, November 20, 2012








你发现了吗?你们本没有相同之处,外表不相像,性格也是南辕北辙,但是相爱然后在一起,日复一日,年复一年,你会惊讶你的眼睛竟有点像他的眼睛。他的微笑 竟也有点像你的微笑。你们走路的步伐变得相似。你们说话的语气也愈来愈像。你们爱喝同一杯饮料。你们的口头禅变得一样。你们总能猜到对方下一句话是什么。 原来我们会变成我们所爱的人。

你在不知不觉中让他改掉了他爱皱眉的坏习惯。这个改变,或许连他自己也不曾察觉。他在不知不觉中让你变得做事不再马马虎虎。你差点认不出自己。会在不知不 觉中逐渐变成对方理想中的人,这种改变,绝对不是刻意的。两个人相处时间越久,气质也越相近,有一天你惊讶地发现,这样的你们多么默契。

