today i went to collect my medical report....
it is a health report....
seee....the highlighted 1 is monocyte...
mine is 11, the normal is 2-10...over a bit...haha
nurse said i have a bit allergic...
so and dad even dunno when im allergic....
haha...watever....just onli 1 highlighted...
-HBS antigen
-HBS antibody
are shown NON-REACTIVE...dats mean not enough resistivity..
the comment is immunization may be considered...
haix....have to take injection....
aftr take my report....
i went to Dominic Sogan Clinic to take injection for the vaccine of flu..
but they dun have...
then dad bring me to Chiew's Clinic...
no pain at all...
aftr go back home...
me chat wit dia...
dia: how is ur result?
me: jus onli 1 highlighted....
dia: yameh?
me: see, im simply eat, even eat the junk food, now my report shown im health; but u,
u take care of ur meal, u even din eat ajinamoto-ed food, but ur report shown 7-8
then i told my dad....he said, the one who mostly take care of their meals not reli health...haha..
anyway, every1 have to do body check up if financial is able...
just in case...k....
haiyo....healthy bo...aih..not like me ah...damn report!!!shit ah...hahaha...i will go and buy ajinomoto lw...wana start to eat ord!!! as a conclusion, eat ajinomoto will get healthy... haha
dun eat more lar...dear....
think negative for what...right?
i eat wat den eat wat lor...
sure u healthy de.....haha...
but dun eat McD...dat is sweetie de "healthy" food....
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