Last Saturday was Valentine day and grandma's is also a bad day....Dillon was suspected that his lung got infection....on the night time, he was sent to general hospital by his parent...that day, have to work and after work have to go to cinema with that, we don't go to visit him....
On Sunday, I follow dad and mum to hospital before go to church...when we reach hospital, we realize it is so serious....Dillon's lung got water inside...not sure that whether is water, pus or cancer...OMG...we are so worried...
Dillon's mum was went back home to bring somethings to hospital, and i choose to stay back and not going to church....around 3pm, there is a group of Methodist Church Sungai Maong's member come to visit Dillon....After that, dad and mum bring Felicia and our church member to pray for Dillon and his parent...
Monday, nurse brought to do ultrasound to scan how is the lung....after he scan, i went to class...
After class, when rhodia and i went back to hospital, he was inside the Pediatrik HDU to do the is SERIOUS.....Kid's ICU!!!!He's gonna "open" a hole into his lung....Doctors (it is with “s”, so many doctor there) attired a tube into his lung....operation just 45 minutes...after the operation, Dillon was still awake...of course the anaesthetic period was still not finish that he still can talk with us...but he was so mood to talk pity....when the night time, he always keep on looking at the clock and asking us is it night weird...
That night, i stay back to accompany him and his mum....i help to take care of him when midnight comes...and his mum went to rest...suddenly he woke up and cry, he was suffered...i wake his mum up and keep on pujuk him.....we asked nurse to give him painkiller....until the next day, he sleep so sweet...
Tuesday, the water does not come the doctors plan to insert the original tube from the 1st hole and alternated from the back part into the is the 2nd operation ord...but when they start to do that, the tube cant go in, they alternated twice, it is so they planned to insert the tube from the back on the next day...
Wednesday, Doctors do the 3rd operation which is insert the tube into the lung from the back part...they took out the 1st tube and wrap it up...this time, he fall asleep due to too tired after the operation...The water was comes out a lot while the operation is carried lucky that it comes out, and no need to do a serious operation to cut it just wait the lung is clear andthe bacteria was not there then can go back home...
Thanks GOD that You protect him, heal him, give him faith, bring him.....i pray that You will let him and his family to know more You....Thanks Lord....In the Jesus's name I've pray....Amen...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
最后一次 sang by Lavigne Kan
在我最后一次 闭上眼睛之前
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使劲全力 不想闭上眼睛
这次告别就不能再相遇 不能再陪你
先走了 去了好远的地方
所有回忆没去 却并不容易
生死由天决定 不要太伤心
在我最后一次 闭上眼睛之前
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使劲全力 不想闭上眼睛
这次告别就不能再相遇 不能再陪你
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使劲全力 不想闭上眼睛
这次告别就不能再相遇 不能再陪你
先走了 去了好远的地方
所有回忆没去 却并不容易
生死由天决定 不要太伤心
在我最后一次 闭上眼睛之前
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使劲全力 不想闭上眼睛
这次告别就不能再相遇 不能再陪你
"Fighting" with assignment!!!
yesterday, i ve got the ServQua assignment paper from Mr. Alan...
it is about the service encounter, im required to do research with a service provider that im familiar with and often go, and write a story which is experienced in any situation....heard is so easy but when i think to choose which service provider, i have to think:
-is it often go?
-is it a lot of things to write?
omg!this is just 1st question, 2nd question have to link it together, do slide and present it in the gonna crazy....hope my exam can pass...ServQua is quite complicated...
today, Mr.Basil told us the French assignment paper is ready, but have to get from Miss Carleen. But he gave us the question 1st. He told us it is an essay, 2 question:
1. Ma Ville ( My city)
2. Je me présente ( All about myself)
heard easy rite? do it for me lar.....(haha...kidding...)im tried to get the assignment paper from Miss Carleen, but she said the person who in-charge in not in, cant get it with them...(eel!!!so disappointed)
Hope my assignment can done quickly then can have more time to prepare my exam....
rhodia and I went to paid our singapore air ticket and tour fees....waseh...the tour is so cheap...visit 20 places in singapore just S$ have to save money to shopping...haha...(hope lar...)
it is about the service encounter, im required to do research with a service provider that im familiar with and often go, and write a story which is experienced in any situation....heard is so easy but when i think to choose which service provider, i have to think:
-is it often go?
-is it a lot of things to write?
omg!this is just 1st question, 2nd question have to link it together, do slide and present it in the gonna crazy....hope my exam can pass...ServQua is quite complicated...
today, Mr.Basil told us the French assignment paper is ready, but have to get from Miss Carleen. But he gave us the question 1st. He told us it is an essay, 2 question:
1. Ma Ville ( My city)
2. Je me présente ( All about myself)
heard easy rite? do it for me lar.....(haha...kidding...)im tried to get the assignment paper from Miss Carleen, but she said the person who in-charge in not in, cant get it with them...(eel!!!so disappointed)
Hope my assignment can done quickly then can have more time to prepare my exam....
rhodia and I went to paid our singapore air ticket and tour fees....waseh...the tour is so cheap...visit 20 places in singapore just S$ have to save money to shopping...haha...(hope lar...)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
A-Accept(接受) 「世界沒有十全十美的人」這句話是千真萬確的 尤其是兩個人一起並不等如兩塊合得來的積木,必需互相遷就 記著,你愛他/她,就必需接受他/她的一切包括他/她的缺點
B-Believe(相信) 不信任對方,經常以懷疑的語氣盤問對方 這種互相猜度的愛情,就只有分上下場 既然跟他/她一起就應該完全信任對方才對
C-Care(關心) 關心的程度正好表現你對對方的重視程度 間中打個電話給對方,關心式問候一句 這些關心未必有實際用途但肯定令對方暖在心頭
D-Devoted(全心全意) 愛一個人當然要全心全意 一腳踏數船不會是個好辦法,結果多數亦是分手 不要令他/她難過嘛!也不要浪費你們兩個的時間嘛!
E-Enjoy(享受) 你應欣賞對方的一切 享受這段愛情帶給你的開心、快樂、幸福 這樣,你便會愛得更愉快
F-Freedom(自由) 雖然大家在一起,也應給予對方應有的自由及保持秘密的權利 你的另一半不是你的奴隸不要讓他/她認為跟你在一起就如被困在籠裡的寵物
G-Give(付出) 愛情這東西不一定是你付出這麼「多」, 便會收回這麼「多」 但不付出? 一定没有收獲對你的情人,應該對自己一樣毫無保留的付出這才算得上是 真愛
H-Heart,Honesty(心,誠實) 愛情最重要的道具是心 你必需真心對待、用心去愛你的另一半 大家又可必要收收埋埋呢? 沒有心,又怎能稱得上真心相愛?
I-Independence(獨立) 甜言蜜語的人會說:「我是為你而生的。」 其實,每個人都有自己的生存空間 不應過份依賴對方成為對方的沉重負擔, 甚至負贅
J-Jealousy(妒忌) 適當的妒忌、呷醋能表示你對對方的重視 但切記是合情合理的呷醋 假如是毫不講理的大發雷霆地呷醋 導致的必然是惹人反感
K-Kiss(吻) 「和情人深深一吻來代替講話..好嗎?」 一吻勝過千言萬語輕輕的一吻已能代表你惜他/她愛護他/她,所以請不要吝嗇你的紅唇
L-Love(愛) 都說是愛情,沒有愛又怎會有情呢? 愛跟喜歡不同,愛一個人,你必定願意為他/她做任何事,這是最高的境界 間中不妨跟他/她說一句:「我愛你」 擔保比任何禮物來得甜蜜開心
M-Mature(成熟) 為什麼大多數的人的初戀總會無聲無色地慘敗? 因為年輕人都戀愛得較幼稚 況且,沒有人會 喜歡對方長年沒頭沒腦地蹦蹦跳 人成熟一點你的愛情亦會早熟一點,直至開花結果
N-Natural(自然) 很多人初拍拖的時候都會把一切缺點收起來,變成另一個人 日子久了缺點就一籮籮地出現,令對方吃不消 其實,不做作,流於自然的愛情才會細水長流啊
O-Observe(觀察) 經常細心觀察對方的喜好,不但能更了解對方, 更能間中給他/她一些驚喜 好像愛侶看雜誌時無意讚某明星的錶漂亮 你便可留待他/她生日的時候買給他/她 那份心意一定比禮物來得珍貴
P-Protect(保護) 做男朋友的當然要保護女朋友 但做女朋友的亦要保護對方的尊嚴 不要讓他人中傷
Q-Quarter(寬恕) 愛情裡面怎可以沒有寬恕 對他/她的錯誤你應該以寬大的態度原諒他/她 為什麼?因為你是最愛他/她的人嘛
R-Receive(接收) 對於愛侶為你做的一切 請不要表現得無動於衷,令他/她氣餒 他/她付出,你便應該以欣賞的態度去接收 這才能令感情更進一步
S-Share(分享) 若你愛他/她就必需於他/她分享他/她的喜、怒、哀、樂 不要只顧著自己才可以嘛 這是作為一個伴侶的最簡單的責任
T-Try(嘗試) 兩個人一起久了,可能會覺得跟對方一起很沉悶 這是很平常的,但這多數是邁向成功愛情的其中一個階段 而且是重要的一個,過了這個階段, 你前面就是一條又平又直的大路了 嘗試用不同的方式去溝通溝通吧!(什麼方式?你自己想想啦..)
U-Understand(明白) 對於你的另一半,首先請你明白他/她的為人 否則你根本不可以跟他/她好好的在一起 另外,雖然你不是他/她,不知道他/她在想什麼 但是,有時候,也可以猜猜嘛.. 常常要對方說出來,好像沒什麼情趣似的
V-Vow(誓言) 人人都可以發誓,「我發誓,我會愛你一生 一世,否則..」... 否則有啥用?發誓,是可以令對方覺得你好愛他/她, 令對方覺得好甜蜜可是,請你們不要當發誓是吃家常菜 否則,就請你不要作出無謂的誓言,帶來的效果只會更差
W- Willingness(願意) 有時候你的另一半可能會作出一些要求這些要求不一定是合理的,就算是合理的也好假如你不願意的話,就請你說:「不!」 如果他/她真的是喜歡你的話, 他/她亦會樂意接受我知你們在想什麼的,不要想歪啊!這個是可以應用在不同的Situation的!)
X-_expression(表達) 兩個人相處,有什麼想說的 不管是對的、不對的、關於他/她的、 關於你的、關於大家的你都可以跟他/她表達你的意見或者看法 雖說有時候可以讓對方猜一下你心想的, 但如果這樣行不通,那你就要嘗試表達一下你自己了
Y-Yield(退讓) 兩個人在一起,難免有爭拗 但是「忍一時,風平浪靜;退一步,海闊天空」 不要跟你的伴侶計較這麼多吧! 還有,不要沒想清楚就對對方說:「分手吧!」, 嘗試下跟對方談一談,找出解決的方法啊!
Z-Zest(熱情) 大概沒有人想他/她的另一半常常好像沒有心情似的 有時候對你的另一半熱情些,嚗加你們之間的感情都會有幫助的 不過,不要太過份就可以了,免得他受不了。 表現愛的方式千百種 - 其中體諒最讓人感到貼心天天开朗的女孩~
A-Accept(接受) 「世界沒有十全十美的人」這句話是千真萬確的 尤其是兩個人一起並不等如兩塊合得來的積木,必需互相遷就 記著,你愛他/她,就必需接受他/她的一切包括他/她的缺點
B-Believe(相信) 不信任對方,經常以懷疑的語氣盤問對方 這種互相猜度的愛情,就只有分上下場 既然跟他/她一起就應該完全信任對方才對
C-Care(關心) 關心的程度正好表現你對對方的重視程度 間中打個電話給對方,關心式問候一句 這些關心未必有實際用途但肯定令對方暖在心頭
D-Devoted(全心全意) 愛一個人當然要全心全意 一腳踏數船不會是個好辦法,結果多數亦是分手 不要令他/她難過嘛!也不要浪費你們兩個的時間嘛!
E-Enjoy(享受) 你應欣賞對方的一切 享受這段愛情帶給你的開心、快樂、幸福 這樣,你便會愛得更愉快
F-Freedom(自由) 雖然大家在一起,也應給予對方應有的自由及保持秘密的權利 你的另一半不是你的奴隸不要讓他/她認為跟你在一起就如被困在籠裡的寵物
G-Give(付出) 愛情這東西不一定是你付出這麼「多」, 便會收回這麼「多」 但不付出? 一定没有收獲對你的情人,應該對自己一樣毫無保留的付出這才算得上是 真愛
H-Heart,Honesty(心,誠實) 愛情最重要的道具是心 你必需真心對待、用心去愛你的另一半 大家又可必要收收埋埋呢? 沒有心,又怎能稱得上真心相愛?
I-Independence(獨立) 甜言蜜語的人會說:「我是為你而生的。」 其實,每個人都有自己的生存空間 不應過份依賴對方成為對方的沉重負擔, 甚至負贅
J-Jealousy(妒忌) 適當的妒忌、呷醋能表示你對對方的重視 但切記是合情合理的呷醋 假如是毫不講理的大發雷霆地呷醋 導致的必然是惹人反感
K-Kiss(吻) 「和情人深深一吻來代替講話..好嗎?」 一吻勝過千言萬語輕輕的一吻已能代表你惜他/她愛護他/她,所以請不要吝嗇你的紅唇
L-Love(愛) 都說是愛情,沒有愛又怎會有情呢? 愛跟喜歡不同,愛一個人,你必定願意為他/她做任何事,這是最高的境界 間中不妨跟他/她說一句:「我愛你」 擔保比任何禮物來得甜蜜開心
M-Mature(成熟) 為什麼大多數的人的初戀總會無聲無色地慘敗? 因為年輕人都戀愛得較幼稚 況且,沒有人會 喜歡對方長年沒頭沒腦地蹦蹦跳 人成熟一點你的愛情亦會早熟一點,直至開花結果
N-Natural(自然) 很多人初拍拖的時候都會把一切缺點收起來,變成另一個人 日子久了缺點就一籮籮地出現,令對方吃不消 其實,不做作,流於自然的愛情才會細水長流啊
O-Observe(觀察) 經常細心觀察對方的喜好,不但能更了解對方, 更能間中給他/她一些驚喜 好像愛侶看雜誌時無意讚某明星的錶漂亮 你便可留待他/她生日的時候買給他/她 那份心意一定比禮物來得珍貴
P-Protect(保護) 做男朋友的當然要保護女朋友 但做女朋友的亦要保護對方的尊嚴 不要讓他人中傷
Q-Quarter(寬恕) 愛情裡面怎可以沒有寬恕 對他/她的錯誤你應該以寬大的態度原諒他/她 為什麼?因為你是最愛他/她的人嘛
R-Receive(接收) 對於愛侶為你做的一切 請不要表現得無動於衷,令他/她氣餒 他/她付出,你便應該以欣賞的態度去接收 這才能令感情更進一步
S-Share(分享) 若你愛他/她就必需於他/她分享他/她的喜、怒、哀、樂 不要只顧著自己才可以嘛 這是作為一個伴侶的最簡單的責任
T-Try(嘗試) 兩個人一起久了,可能會覺得跟對方一起很沉悶 這是很平常的,但這多數是邁向成功愛情的其中一個階段 而且是重要的一個,過了這個階段, 你前面就是一條又平又直的大路了 嘗試用不同的方式去溝通溝通吧!(什麼方式?你自己想想啦..)
U-Understand(明白) 對於你的另一半,首先請你明白他/她的為人 否則你根本不可以跟他/她好好的在一起 另外,雖然你不是他/她,不知道他/她在想什麼 但是,有時候,也可以猜猜嘛.. 常常要對方說出來,好像沒什麼情趣似的
V-Vow(誓言) 人人都可以發誓,「我發誓,我會愛你一生 一世,否則..」... 否則有啥用?發誓,是可以令對方覺得你好愛他/她, 令對方覺得好甜蜜可是,請你們不要當發誓是吃家常菜 否則,就請你不要作出無謂的誓言,帶來的效果只會更差
W- Willingness(願意) 有時候你的另一半可能會作出一些要求這些要求不一定是合理的,就算是合理的也好假如你不願意的話,就請你說:「不!」 如果他/她真的是喜歡你的話, 他/她亦會樂意接受我知你們在想什麼的,不要想歪啊!這個是可以應用在不同的Situation的!)
X-_expression(表達) 兩個人相處,有什麼想說的 不管是對的、不對的、關於他/她的、 關於你的、關於大家的你都可以跟他/她表達你的意見或者看法 雖說有時候可以讓對方猜一下你心想的, 但如果這樣行不通,那你就要嘗試表達一下你自己了
Y-Yield(退讓) 兩個人在一起,難免有爭拗 但是「忍一時,風平浪靜;退一步,海闊天空」 不要跟你的伴侶計較這麼多吧! 還有,不要沒想清楚就對對方說:「分手吧!」, 嘗試下跟對方談一談,找出解決的方法啊!
Z-Zest(熱情) 大概沒有人想他/她的另一半常常好像沒有心情似的 有時候對你的另一半熱情些,嚗加你們之間的感情都會有幫助的 不過,不要太過份就可以了,免得他受不了。 表現愛的方式千百種 - 其中體諒最讓人感到貼心天天开朗的女孩~
currently mind...

Love is two hearts beating as one.It's hard to find someone whom you truly love, much less to find someone who loves you as much. When the chance comes, don't ever let go.
If you have it [Love], you don't need to have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have.
If you love someone, you give everything you can and don't expect to receive anything in return.
No one is too young for love, because love doesn't come from your mind, which knows your age, but from your heart, which knows no age.
When you love someone, it's something. When someone loves you, it's another thing. When you love the person who loves you back, it's everything.
Don't regret what you've did, but regret what you never did, go and say 'I LOVE U' to your loved one!
True luv is hard 2 find. Special 1-1 of a kind.But the luv inside of me is true.It appeared the day i met you! There are 3 steps to happy happiness: 1 you. 2 me. 3 our hearts 4 eternity! It is not being in love that makes me happy... but is being in love with YOU that makes me happy. Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control.And, i'm also know, you're same feeling with me.....
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